Do you hack loans to institutional lenders? A wretched existence? You are always short of money, and you start out every month unemployed. If you don’t go out and hustle up some new loans, you’ll starve the following month. What if you had multiple rich private investors who trusted you? What if they gave you $40 million of their money to lend out, and they allowed you to service their loans for a handsome 1.9% annual fee? You would earn $65,000 every month in servicing income, whether you closed a loan or not! Can you see why its so important to become a direct lender? The big money is made on the backside in the form of servicing annuities. But I don’t want to mislead you. It’s hard to find private mortgage investors – very hard. That’s why there are so few hard money brokers. lacjcapital.highreturnrate.com
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